
Water Play & Sand Toys

Discover our sand and water play essentials here at Hope. Our water play toys, and sand play accessories are fantastic for when your class is engaging in messy play. 

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This sensory stimulation enhances creativity and helps little ones to develop their fine motor skills. Shop here for children’s sand, and water play toys, then explore our full collection of essentials you need for your early years classroom. 

Sensory stimulation through creative and messy play is essential for early years pupils. Water play toys and sand play is perfect for developing pupils’ creativity and fine motor skills through imaginative play. Here, you’ll discover our sand and water play supplies and water play toys.  

Sand and water play toys at Hope  

Our sand & water accessories range is perfect for early years classrooms. Allow your pupils to build sandcastles and explore the water toys and sets. Shop here for children’s sand and water play toys, then stock up on a vast range of early years supplies here at Hope.   

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